Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

Calculating the volume of balls in jeliot

This is a program to find the area of ​​a sphere in the form jeliot,,,
How it works almost the same as in dev c + + or anything, but jeliot will be easier in understanding, using a visual, so that each step in the workmanship we can see and also how eksekusinnya. And we also do not need to imagine how it works,,,

public class luas {
    public static void main()
     int r;
     float luas;
     System.out.print("Masukan Jari-jari");
     r = Input.readInt();
     luas = (float)3.14*r*r;
     System.out.print("Luas lingkaran :");
     float volum;
     volum = (float)4/3* (float)3.14*r*r;
     System.out.print("volum bola :");

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